I use Cybertuner, the latest in the tuning technology. Each string is tuned using Cybertuner, and then the unison is evaluated aurally, and adjusted as necessary. I spend 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours on each tuning, preferring quality over speed. I find this method especially effective in older pianos (over 30 years), which often exhibit wild or false beats, when a string beats when struck alone. Since tuning is eliminating beats, I feel that tuning with Cybertuner is more accurate than by ear (aurally). Listening to each note after tuning assures that the result sounds as good as it can.
Other temperaments and/or pitches (such as Baroque, A-415) may be chosen by the client.
Although I can tune in noisy environments (within reason), optimum results are achieved if the piano and tuner can be left quiet and alone for the full time, except for wildlife (and tame life, too). Distractions such as schoolchildren on indoor recess, noisy pets (especially birds, but also singing dogs) and noisy ventilation systems can be problematic. Opossum are not usually problematic.
If your piano has not been tuned regularly, or for a long time (years), a pitch-raise will likely be required. I do not like to raise pitch too much at once, to protect older strings from breaking. My preferred method is to first tune the piano at its current pitch. Six months later, I raise the pitch no more than half of a half step. This is repeated at six month intervals until A-440 (or a pitch the piano will maintain) is achieved. Raising the pitch gradually over time stresses the strings less as they are re-stretched. Fewer broken strings are experienced as the piano adjusts to the pitch at which it was designed to be played. Each tuning is charged as a regular tuning.
Repairs are usually charged by time and materials. Here are some examples of common repairs:
Cleaning - 0.75-1.25 hour(s). Simple cleaning includes removing dust and debris from the action and between the strings and soundboard, using a vacuum/blower system and special tools to reach under the strings. If extremely dirty, a more intense cleaning of the soundboard may be required.
Simple repairs - Often, these situations can be repaired for a half-hour minimum labor charge. On grands and larger uprights, a one hour minimum labor charge if removing the action is required. A two hour minimum for spinet action removal.
Simple sticky key repairs (if removing the action is not required) are included with the tuning fee. Sometimes, parts are required. There are many causes for “sticky” keys.
Mack’s Piano Service is a certified Dampp-Chaser installer. See the Rates page on this site.
Regulation (how a piano plays) and voicing (how a piano sounds) are difficult to quote. Each situation is discussed with the client individually, and usually charged according to time spent.
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